Yes. Texas law requires it, and it’s the best way to make sure each person’s interests are protected.
Absolutely. Collaborative professionals are trained to deal with the strong emotions involved in a divorce.
No. A mediator can’t give legal advice or make decisions; she can only help the parties find common ground. By contrast, collaborative lawyers advise their clients as part of the collaborative process: a process that includes information gathering and joint decision making.
No, but a collaborative team brings special expertise and many other benefits to the process. A collaborative lawyer can explain the details.
Yes. While the collaborative process is suited to protecting families and relationships, it can also provide a smoother, more civilized path to divorce for couples without children.
Yes. The collaborative process is appropriate for more than divorces.
No. You can turn a litigation case into a collaborative case if you and your spouse agree. You don’t need a new lawyer unless you want one.
Unfortunately, no. The collaborative process is entirely voluntary.
Many more divorces should be collaborative, but some divorces are better handled in the courtroom. A collaborative lawyer can explain the divorce options to you.