We Help People Get Divorced Peacefully Without Going to Court

Friday, April 11th, in person
12:00-1:15 PM

Petroleum Club of San Antonio
8620 N New Braunfels Ave, #700
San Antonio, TX 78217

From Collaborative Divorce San Antonio
& SABA’s Collaborative Law Section
A Luncheon & CLE Event
Lunch and Networking


Presented by:

RSVP Deadline: Noon, Tuesday, April 8th

If you choose not to pay ahead online please RSVP to Julian Schwartz, CDSA Secretary, at jschwartz@basharaschwartz.com by noon Tuesday, April 8th, so we have a head count for the Petroleum Club.

Luncheon Fees

Please enter the quantity you would like to purchase below.
Price: $37.00
Price: $33.00
Price: $10.00
Would you like to make an additional donation to Collaborative Divorce San Antonio? If so, please enter the amount below and it will be added to your total.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.